Achievement Acquired

I challenged myself to design, develop, and publish a finished game today, and I accomplished this goal.

Over five hours, I moved this project from the initial concept to being published. 

While this is not a true example of everything I am capable of, it is a small milestone, an achievement that gets me back into the mindset of finishing games that I work on, something which I've been out of practice for several years now.

I created the pixel art with PyxelEdit, the Sounds with jsfxr, the Music with BeepBox, and the game with Godot 4.2.

When it came tile to publish to itch, I used to generate some retro artwork that was in line with what I wanted, then used Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo to create the final pieces.

Using AI to create things for this kind of purchase is ideal, it is fast, and you can have usable results quickly.

I do not recommend using AI generations as the final product, and there is a copyright issue with AI generations. But for a simple promo image for a finished product, why not?

It would do wonders for my morale if you would make a donation towards my future developments from the game page. 

- Richard Marks

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